About my life …
I was born in Germany, but I spent most of my childhood and adult life in France and travelling. Today I live in my little “cherry tree house” in the French south of Burgundy with my animals. For me, a place of peace and learning.
Spirituality has always been alive in my life since my childhood days: we travelled the world as a family and visited sacred places of all religions and orientations. I have always believed in an inner guidance from there and marvelled at the wonders of this world with awe, without feeling affiliated to any particular religion.
Art and music are important expressions of my soul, as well as being in nature with my animals, especially the horses. I have been working as an artist and graphic designer since I was 19. You can find my art and design website here ->
That I can give my spiritual inner life a vocation and that it is therefore also possible for me to offer my support to other people, this I learned through my encounter with Theta Healing in 2021, whose Practitioner Seminars I started in spring 2023. This technique convinced me when I was able to witness healing in my own life for my body and psyche – I work with it every day and my holistic state of health and physical well-being is constantly improving.

Deeply rooted in me are the teachings of non-dualism, where we do not see ourselves as separate from God and creation. My life’s journey has taken me to many different places in the world, from which I have always taken something with me; Taizé (France), Rishikesh (India), Cisternino (Italy), Assisi (Italy), Prashanti Nilayam (India), Athens (Greece) and many other mostly small, completely unknown spots on earth that don’t even have a name.
Through everything I have experienced, the question I ask myself most often is: What is life in unity with creation and what is our role on this earth? So I consider nature as my greatest teacher, because it tests our authenticity again and again and brings us into humility as well as into our power. I am also very connected to the animals through this and they teach me every day anew what it really means to live in the here and now and to reflect on who you really are and how you affect others.
This is what working with horses has taught me most of all. Since 2008 I have been attending and organising courses of “Being with horses …”, developed by the behavioural biologist Sabine Birmann and her husband Dan. They teach above all perception; self-awareness, but also the development of a fine sense for the other. In addition, it is possible to learn how to work in the flow of energy and build a deep connection with another being – with empathy, authenticity and honesty.
In 2022 I also completed a degree in agricultural engineering – a career field that allows for a lot of grounding and brings an understanding on a technical level, not only of nature, but also of our human culture and ways of life.
All this wealth of experience now flows into my various activities.